TODAY we want to talk about: EL HITO, LA ILDA, EL ÍDOLO and LA TORCA and also about VÍCTOR.
We are going to talk about the ARTIST who has designed the wine labels of Camesía Bodegas del Alto Ebro…
The world of wine is fascinating and complex, full of flavours and aromas that delight our senses.
But before we can enjoy a glass of wine, we are confronted with a small work of art: the wine label.
Wine labels are an invaluable source of information. On them we find technical data such as the name of the wine, the vintage year, the type of grape used and the region of origin. This information helps us to understand the characteristics of the wine and allows us to make informed decisions when selecting a bottle.
The labels of Camesía Bodegas del Alto Ebro also tell stories; they include details about the history of the Real Valle de Valderredible, the cradle of Iberia.
These labels feature illustrations or images that evoke the wine’s region of origin, conveying a sense of place and terroir. This connection between the wine and its origin is fundamental in appreciating the wine and understanding its unique character.
If we take a moment to look at these works of art… there is so much detail to discover!
Yes, wine labels are a form of visual art and the protagonist of these little pieces of art is called Victor Adorno Bárcena.
Víctor is a biologist and landscape gardener, he grew up in Población de Arriba but now lives in Polientes. Many of you will know him from his workshop located in the square in Polientes. In “Intemperie”, they not only organise activities, but also carry out landscape and environmental projects and sell local products.
This designer and illustrator has been in charge of creating these attractive labels that represent the essence and character of CAMESÍA BODEGAS DEL ALTO EBRO wine.
Every detail, from the typeface used to the colours and images selected, has been carefully chosen to convey a message and capture the consumer’s attention.
These labels are minimalist and elegant, bold and eye-catching.
The Camesía labels represent the “5 elements of nature”.
Through these labels VÍCTOR has managed to capture our attention, he has managed to evoke our emotions and arouse our curiosity, because these labels are very Valderredible…
These wine labels represent: A Valley, its history and its people.
CAMESÍA BODEGAS DEL ALTO EBRO toasts with a glass of wine to the TALENT of VÍCTOR… and HIS ART!!!
So now let’s talk about EL HITO; what does it represent, what do we see there?

We see FIRE, represented through the planet MARS, next to a MOON…
We see in the background an OAK tree, which because it is so tall and overhanging was struck by lightning and burnt by fire…
We see a bird that can be seen in VALDERREDIBLE; the CARBONERO, which is characterised by its lively and intelligent nature.
We see plants that have to do with fire, for example, the TEJO as a sacred and totemic tree, used for rituals and ceremonies and which has had a great significance for many peoples in a large part of the Cantabrian Mountains.
We see a forgotten TRADE: THE CHARCOALMAN. The charcoal makers settled in the mountains and used the wood to make charcoal which they then sold.
Let’s talk about EL ÍDOLO: what personalises us?

It is THE METAL, represented through the planet VENUS, there we see it next to a MOON…
We see in the background the ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY OF CANTABRIA, representing modernity in its metallic architecture.
We see a rich and healthy food of the Cantabrian gastronomy that is usually collected in the VALLEY of VALDERREDIBLE: MUSHROOMS.
We see the ancient BLACKSMITH’S trade.
A blacksmith is a person whose job or trade is to forge, manufacture and repair metal materials or pieces, these blacksmiths are making RINGS for BARRICAS.
And we can also see metal objects in their hands:
To highlight we see EL PUÑAL de la ESTATUA-ESTELA de Salcedo.
This incredible object shows us the importance for that social group of the BRONZE AGE of engraving their first metal objects in stone.
The search for a milestone or bollard to mark a farm ended up leading to a discovery that marks a before and after in the investigation of the Monte Hijedo area and the relevance of a population centre at the dawn of the Bronze Age. It was ERNESTO RODRIGO GUTIÉRREZ who had the serendipity to find this marvel, but we will talk about this history enthusiast later on…
Let’s talk about LA ILDA and what does it illustrate, what images do we see on this wine label?

We see WOOD, represented through the planet JUPITER; we see a MOON…
We see in the background a MILLENNIAL FOREST, a beautiful oak grove; it is the MONTE COSTISANTI, this is a piece of the MOUNT HIJEDO. The author wanted to give it prominence, despite being less popular and claim it for its beauty.
We see the CARPINTERO bird and a SNAIL…
We see an OAK leaf and a HELECHO…
We see an ancient and precious craft: THE WOOLMAKERS…
The wool extracted from the sheep was spun by hand thanks to the spinners, who took the big bundles of carded wool and turned each filament into separate threads, obtained by interlacing several strands together.
And finally, let’s talk about LA TORCA, what does it symbolize?

LA TORCA is a WHITE WINE GODELLO, and through its label we see….
We see WATER, represented through the planet MERCURY, we see the Ebro River running through the VALLEY in that MOON…
We see in the background THE EBRO RIVER, raising with its passage that mist, we see water that evaporates and that is formed in the autumn months…
We see flowering plants: LAS PRÍMULAS or PRIMAVERAS. In the language of flowers, the meaning of the primrose could not be more eloquent and loving; the primrose evokes birth and renewal as it is a symbol of life awakening after the lethargy of winter.
We see a CRAFT: CANTABRIC WOMEN GATHERING WATER, one of the essential elements for LIFE.